October 24, 2012


Hello! We made it to Cambridge, oh yeah. Yesterday we took a train, a tube, a train and then picked up via car when we arrived in Cambridge. We met David! Yahooo! He is just as funny in person as he is on the Internet. We are staying at his place for one more night (we got in yesterday). We watched some movies with him, brought him his "American" candy and had a good time just bein ourselves....which mix Annie with another person very similar to her and you get a "let's pick on Katie" party. So fun....unless your me, in which case I would some day like to throw the party. Just saying. We tried to figure out what our plans for today were, but the most we came up with was walking around the city of Cambridge and go into libraries and such. Should be a good time. The town here really reminds me of home. Foggy fields with hills, lots of farms, and cows....loads of them. It's been fun meeting up with our English friends that we have mostly conversed with via email and bein able to still hit it off. I feel like I've known these people for a lot longer than 10 or less months. Last night I was texting my mom to update her on the trip and I closed my eyes to blink and never opened them. Whoops. So that's good, guess I'm tired. Tomorrow we head to London, which means no more traveling with our suitcases!! Except when we move from our hotel to our friends house, friends house to the airport, airport to home. We have one week left. I can't believe it. This trip has been absolutely fantastic, people have been so nice and helpful, we have only argued with each other 3 times-lasts for about 2 min and then we just start laughing. I'd say that's pretty good: 2 countries, 6 locations, multitude of trains. Not bad :)
If anything, I think this trip has brought me and my sister closer. Awwwww. Yea I didn't think that was possible since we are the same person.

Okay well today will be a fun one, so I'm off to get ready. Have a great day everyone!

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