February 23, 2013


Hey everyone. My apologies. I have been redesigning my blog for the past week now and have left no time to blog, plus I didn't want you looking at it while I was in the process of changing it. It's not complete yet, so this is just mid progress. :)
I hope you are all having an excellent week and weekend. I am in the confines of my room with piles of laundry on the floor, peanut butter and graham crackers sitting next to me, and a very dishevled room since I am redecorating my room...seeing as it's been a month since I've moved in I figured I should put things how I like them.
I have a lot of stories and photos to share with you all, like going to L.A., going to concerts, Hollywood, music, fashion, blah blah blah. And a LOT of embarrassing stories, I kinda feel like I should begin a college segment called "Hi, I'm New At This". New posts coming soon guys! I apologize for my ridiculousness of bloggie slacking.

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