September 12, 2012

Cleanse Day 3

Save me, Oh save me. This cleanse is so....irritating. I want a cookie soooo bad. Instead I will eat these lovely roasted almonds. Mmm mm mmmmm. So similar.....
Yea. Well day 3 isn't as bad as day's 2 & 1, at least from what I can tell. I had really bad headaches the last 2 days, and my family said it's probably sugar withdrawals, so that's joyous. I am really excited to finish this up because there is nothing more that I want right now than cookies or graham crackers or sorbet. Or even that lovely cookie brownie that is staring me in the face right now. Just wanted you to see how it feels to crave something & not be able to have it, since it's in the computer.

Enough of my complaining. Today my sister and I are finalizing our sleeping accommodations for England and then going to change the oil in our car. Isn't that thrilling!? We already hit the gym this morning and so that's done with. I never laugh more with someone than I do with my sister. Thus, I am pretty sure this trip will be really fun. We are down to almost a month away!! Cray cray! 

Side note, my dad has gotten really into fishing with my uncle and he now lives and breathes hooks, fish, boats etc., which means I have eaten enough fish for the rest of my life within the past month. Tonight....we are having more fish....yippeeeeee.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job! Keep it up.