January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2014!
A new year means a whole lot of new experiences :)

I'm looking forward to this year and all it brings. 
As I am not really setting "goals" per say for the new year, 
I decided I would have more of a drive towards things.
One of them being a drive in the world of academia.
Another is a drive towards my social out look.
I want to have a drive to be more courageous, just in general when putting myself out there.
And lastly, a drive to be more appreciative of those who are already in my life.

Kind of vague ways of going about the "New Year's Resolution" but I think it's important to kind of refocus one's outlook on the new year. 

I saw a quote on a social media site last night that is VERY cheesy, but who doesn't like cheese?
It was also from Dec. 31st....but yuh know...
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one."

Have a great New Year folks! I cannot wait to see where this blog takes me in terms of stories and photos :) I assure you, there will be lots of them :D

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