Hello everyone!
It is finally my favorite month of the year, February!
Why is that? Because it's my birthday month!
I really do love my birthday, and I will be a whopping 24 year old this year :D
That's insane.
Last year I spent my birthday abroad, roaming the streets of Paris with my dear friend. This year I will be spending it at home, having brunch and playing a lot of games with my family. Those were my two requests for the day, Just hang out together.
As it is a wonderful month, I also have entered a wonderful final stage to my life's journey, my undergrad. As of this past Wednesday I have begun my FINAL semester as an undergraduate. I cannot believe I will be graduating this spring. It has been 6 LOONNNNGGG years of academic livelihood. I have moved from here to there to that place back to here. But I am where I should be and am so excited for the rest of my journey. *cough* grad school *cough*. Oh boy.
This semester is also a lot of stress and overwhelming situations coming at me. First of all I am taking a very intense course of Physio Psychology, however I love science and I am obsessed with the human brain (hence my choice of degree) so while it will be a grueling course I am excited to delve into the brain. I do love that thing yes yes yes.
I am also running a program that I personally developed. How crazy is that?! I am running it for middle school girls for 6 weeks, to help them improve upon their inner self and boosting the awesomeness that is hiding inside of their awkward feelings. We've all been there ladies. I start this on Tuesday and am a mix of anxiety, stress, excitement and sheer terror. I am not a world class speaker but I do think I can change these girls mind set on who they are and who they will become, which feels pretty amazing.
Today I sat in on my first public speaking course (barf). I thought I was going to pass out in class. My hands were frozen, my heart was racing and my face was probably white as snow. We did have to get up and introduce a fellow student, with a 1-2 min speech about them. When I got up there I became really calm and had sweeping eye contact and MADE IT TO A MINUTE! I got 100% on my speech and basically am running for president now. Oh, and yes, my face was the color of a tomato. It happens.
Lastly, I will be mentoring this semester, and I am really excited to be there for some students who need some one on their side. I feel really lucky to be able to contribute to my community in that way.
So while this may be my last semester as a college senior, it sure won't be a boring, or non-busy one.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!
Super excited to hear how you have been doing!
I'm exhausted just reading about all you will be doing. And you will make a positive impact on the girls in your program, even if in ways you don't expect or foresee.keep on keeping on!
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