May 19, 2016

So Do You Like Books?

I hate reading.


I hatED reading.

It was a personal goal of mine to find a little bit of appreciate for books because they are nice looking and I feel like people who read always seem to have a little bit of an edge up on nonreaders. Not that anything is wrong with not reading, but I was just tired of answering "Do you like to read?" with a laugh and a "no".

I have recently been using my local library more and been exploring the shelves outside of the "DVDs" and "CDs". And what do ya know, I found something enjoyable and relaxing about reading under the warm covers of my bed. (Bonus, reading before bed makes sleeping wayyyyyy easier.)

I thought I would share some books that I have read over the last month with you. (Oh mhm, read 4 books in a month. That is VERY impressive for me.)

1. All the Bright Places by Jennifer Nivan- 8.5/10
Really liked this book for the most part. Not to give anything away but I found it very hard to put this book down. The last 30 pages were debatable but that's fine.

2. Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave- 9/10
Loved this book. It's about wine making. But obviously there's more to it than that...there is love, family, and relationships. It definitely made me want to open up my own winery and vineyard....
Here's what Publisher's Weekly had to say, "A story about the messy realities of family, the strength (and weaknesses) of romantic love, and the importance of finding a place to call home..."

3. Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella- N/A
Currently still reading. But from a psychological stand point it's pretty good. It is in the first person perspective and allows for first hand insight on anxiety and mental illness. So I am enjoying it.

4. P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han- 2/10
I actually hated this book. The main character is far to whiney, constantly trying to rustle up some kind of argument and then turns on people to make them feel like it's their fault. I hate female characters who are indecisive and the male characters that think that being manipulated is okay. It's just annoying.

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